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Our programmers are in the post-planning stage of project development.

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Product Information

Brief Descrption

Intern Tracker is a web based, database application to manage the workflow of internship, coop student, and practicum employment. It provides an environment to manage activities and documents associated with intern student programs in higher education.

Where can I get a copy of Intern Tracker?

Intern Tracker project area on SourceForge.net.

What are the different types of postions supported by Intern Tracker?

  • The practicum is typically used by disciplines such as social work to incorporate the application of the material from the course of study into the work experience usually with a formal mentoring relationship.
  • The internship is typically used by disciplines such as information technology to provide course credit for actual work experience usually with a less formal mentoring relationship and with the internship typically being not well integrated into the course of study.
  • The cooperative (coop) opportunity is tyically used by disciplines such as engineering to provide course credit for actual work experience and to immerse the student into work similar to what the student will be doing after graduation.

How does the Intern Tracker work?

Because it will be web based, the various people, who will be geographically distributed, will be able to collaborate with the student employment workflow. The basic process and people involved are:

  1. the institution of higher education
  2. the student who is seeking employment
  3. the organization providing the employment opportunity

Each of the people involved have particular duties which involve creating documents of various kinds such as job postings, resumes, and performance assessments. The first customers for Intern Tracker will be the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Information Systems in the College of Information Technology at Georgia Southern University. Currently these two departments are using paper based systems and digital files stored on PCs. Both are intensely interested in a digital system that would improve their ability to manage and audit the internship process.

Our Goal:

The goal is to create an application sufficiently flexible that it can be used with all three types of student employment used within higher education.

(c) 2007 Georgia Southern University